Autor: Ajeng Alfianita Abdila, GUNTUR EKO SAPUTRO
Rok vydání: 2022
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6834706
Popis: The wealth of Indonesia's national resources, especially human and natural resources, makes Indonesia can be categorized as a developing country and towards becoming a developed country. This wealth of national resources can create opportunities but can also be a threat to national defense. The national defense system over time no longer relies solely on military power but is universal, which means involving all levels of society to contribute to maintaining the prosperity of the people. Defense economic development can be created through strengthening MSMEs as part of the use of the people's economy. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the development of the defense economy through the empowerment of MSMEs. Qualitative research and data collection techniques in the form of literature studies and Library Research. The results of the study show that there is a strong relationship with the development of the defense economy through strengthening MSMEs. SMEs to digitize their business by increasing digital and information literacy. Strategic steps for strengthening MSMEs, one of which can be taken into practice, is by increasing the frequency of training and intensifying mentoring, digital literacy, and information literacy. In addition, the entrepreneurial mindset is the ability to feel by acting, as well as mobilizing, even in uncertain conditions.
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