Profiling of selenium and other trace elements in breads from rice and maize cultivated in a seleniferous area of Punjab (India)

Autor: Margarita G. Skalnaya, N. Tejo Prakash, Anatoly A. Kirichuk, Olga P. Ajsuvakova, Andrei R. Grabeklis, Ranjana Prakash, Sumit K. Jaiswal, Xiong Guo, Anatoly V. Skalny, Feng Zhang, Alexey A. Tinkov
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: J Food Sci Technol
ISSN: 0022-1155
Popis: The objective of the study was to assess selenium and other elements levels in Indian Roti bread from Se-rich maize and rice using inductively coupled plasma mass-spectrometry. Se levels in Roti bread from Se-rich maize and rice exceeded those in the control samples by a factor of more than 594 and 156, respectively. Using Se-enriched maize increased bread Co, Cr, Mn, Mo, and Zn content, whereas Fe and I levels were reduced. In Se-rich rice-based bread a decrease in Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, I, Mo, and Zn contents was observed. Daily consumption of Se-rich maize and rice bread (100 g) could account for 5.665% and 4.309% from recommended dietary allowance, also exceeding the upper tolerable levels by a factor of 7.8 and 5.9, respectively. Therefore, Roti bread from both Se-rich maize and rice may be considered as an additional source of selenium. At the same time, regular intake of Se-rich grains and its products including breads may cause adverse health effects even after a few days and should be regularly monitored in order to prevent Se overload and toxicity.
Databáze: OpenAIRE