c-IAP1 Binds and Processes PCSK9 Protein: Linking the c-IAP1 in a TNF-α Pathway to PCSK9-Mediated LDLR Degradation Pathway

Autor: David P. Hornby, Lizhi Liu, Weiming Xu
Rok vydání: 2012
Zdroj: Molecules, Vol 17, Iss 10, Pp 12086-12101 (2012)
Volume 17
Issue 10
Pages 12086-12101
ISSN: 1420-3049
Popis: Recent genetic studies have shown that PCSK9, one of the key genes in cholesterol metabolism, plays a critical role by controlling the level of low-density lipoprotein receptor. However, how PCSK9 mediates LDLR degradation is still unknown. By combining a shotgun proteomic method and differential analysis of natural occurring mutations of the PCSK9 gene, we found that an E3 ubiquitin ligase c-IAP1 binds and processes PCSK9 protein. One of the ‘gain-of-function’ mutations, S127R, is defective with respect to binding to c-IAP1, and thus has defective autocatalytic activity. Knockdown of c-IAP1 impairs PCSK9 processing and autocatalytic cleavage. In c-IAP1 null mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs), there is a dramatic decrease in secreted mature PCSK9 protein accompanied by a significant increase in LDLR protein levels compared with matched wild-type MEF cells. c-IAP1 also acts as an E3 ligase for ubiquitination of PCSK9. Ubiquitin containing only lysine-27 mediated PCSK9 ubiquitination by c-IAP1. Given K27-linked polyubiquitination promotes lysosomal localization, the finding indicates the c-IAP1 acts on both secretion of PCSK9 and its lysosomal localization. The novel pathway described here will open new avenues for exploring novel disease treatments.
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