Strategic development goals and national tourism policy

Autor: Dragan Magaš
Rok vydání: 1997
Zdroj: Tourism and hospitality management
Volume 3
Issue 2
ISSN: 1847-3377
DOI: 10.20867/thm.3.2.5
Popis: Dva su razloga za nekonzistentnu turističku politiku u hrvatskom turizmu u bivšoj Jugoslaviji: nedostatak cjelovite koncepcije razvoja turizma i odnosi koji su vladali u bivšem sustavu. Stvaranjem političkoga ozračja koje eliminira navedene limitirajuće čimbenike, čine se pomaci, ali su nedovoljni i neodgovarajući, u tolikoj mjeri da čak dovode u pitanje prilično aktualne (načelne) strateške ciljeve razvoja hrvatskoga turizma. Stoga se u radu identificiraju uzroci takova stanja i ističe se nužnost cjelovita oblikovanja nacionalne turističke politike, s posebnim naglaskom na donošenju općih ekonomskih mjera za unapređenje gospodarstva, uključujući i turističko gospodarstvo.
An unstable tourism policy in Croatian tourism was a consequence of two reasons, in former Yugoslavia: lack of a general concept of tourism development and the relationship in the economic system of that time. Development of a new political environment which eliminates these limiting factors results in some positive effects, but they are insufficient and inappropriate; therefore they are strategic goals of Croatian tourism under consideration. The causes of this situation has been identified in the paper and the necessity of creating a national tourism policy has been pointed out, too. Stress has been laid on the importance of establishing general economic measures to improve economy and tourism as well.
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