Novel indole sulfides as potent HIV-1 NNRTIs

Autor: Adriaan E. Basson, Margaret A.L. Blackie, Siobhan Brigg, Willem A. L. van Otterlo, Moscos Avgenikos, Stephen C. Pelly, Nicole Pribut, Reinhardt Venter
Rok vydání: 2016
Zdroj: Bioorganicmedicinal chemistry letters. 26(6)
ISSN: 1464-3405
Popis: In a previous communication we described a series of indole based NNRTIs which were potent inhibitors of HIV replication, both for the wild type and K103N strains of the virus. However, the methyl ether functionality on these compounds, which was crucial for potency, was susceptible to acid promoted indole assisted SN1 substitution. This particular problem did not bode well for an orally bioavailable drug. Here we describe bioisosteric replacement of this problematic functional group, leading to a series of compounds which are potent inhibitors of HIV replication, and are acid stable.
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