Observations of tides and circularization in red-giant binaries from Kepler photometry

Autor: Paul G. Beck, Thomas Kallinger, S. Mathis, M. Benbakoura, Rafael A. García
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: EAS Publications Series
ISSN: 1633-4760
DOI: 10.1051/eas/1982012
Popis: Binary stars are places of complex stellar interactions. While all binaries are in principle converging towards a state of circularization, many eccentric systems are found even in advanced stellar phases. In this work we discuss the sample of binaries with a red-giant component, discovered from observations of the NASA Kepler space mission. We first discuss which effects and features of tidal interactions are detectable in photometry, spectroscopy and the seismic analysis. In a second step, the sample of binary systems observed with Kepler, is compared to the well studied sample of Verbunt & Phinney (1995, hereafter VP95). We find that this study of circularization of systems hosting evolving red-giant stars with deep convective envelopes is also well applicable to the red-giant binaries in the sample of Kepler stars.
Proceedings paper for the J-P Zahn Symposion, Paris, 6 Pages, 2 Figures
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