A Versatile Chemoenzymatic Synthesis for the Discovery of Potent Cryptophycin Analogs

Autor: Frederick A. Valeriote, Yogan Khatri, Halina Pietraszkiewicz, David H. Sherman, Scott I Brody, Jennifer J. Schmidt, Catherine Zhu
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: ACS Chem Biol
Popis: The cryptophycins are a family of macrocyclic depsipeptide natural products that display exceptionally potent anti-proliferative activity against drug-resistant cancers. Unique challenges facing the synthesis and derivatization of this complex group of molecules motivated us to investigate a chemoenzymatic synthesis designed to access new analogs for biological evaluation. The cryptophycin thioesterase (CrpTE) and the cryptophycin epoxidase (CrpE) are a versatile set of enzymes that catalyze macrocyclization and epoxidation of over twenty natural cryptophycin metabolites. Thus, we envisioned a drug development strategy involving their use as standalone biocatalysts for production of unnatural derivatives. Herein, we developed a scalable synthesis of 12 new unit A-B-C-D linear chain elongation intermediates containing heterocyclic aromatic groups as alternatives to the native unit A benzyl group. N-acetyl cysteamine activated forms of each intermediate were assessed for conversion to macrocyclic products using wild type CrpTE, which demonstrated the exceptional flexibility of this enzyme. Semi-preparative scale reactions were conducted for isolation and structural characterization of new cryptophycins. Each was then evaluated as a substrate for CrpE P450 and its ability to generate the epoxidized products from these substrates that possess altered electronics at the unit A styrenyl double bond position. Finally, biological evaluation of the new cryptophycins revealed a des-β-epoxy analog with low picomolar potency, previously limited to cryptophycins bearing epoxide functionality.
Databáze: OpenAIRE