From the native religions to the inculturated (theo) logists. Kusch and Scannone for a hermeneutic perspective of religion

Autor: Ivan Ariel Fresia
Jazyk: Spanish; Castilian
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: Análisis; Vol. 50 Núm. 93 (Jl-Di) (2018): Convergencias humanistas: paz, cultura, religión y filosofía; 369-384
Analisis; Vol. 50 No. 93 (Jl-Di) (2018): Convergencias humanistas: paz, cultura, religión y filosofía; 369-384
Analisis; Vol. 50 No. 93 (2018): Convergencias humanistas: paz, cultura, religión y filosofía; 369-384
Análisis; Vol. 50 Núm. 93 (2018): Convergencias humanistas: paz, cultura, religión y filosofía; 369-384
ISSN: 2145-9169
Popis: Este texto muestra las conexiones entre las primeras producciones teóricas sobre religión indígena y popular que formulara Rodolfo Kusch y la reflexión teológica de Lucio Gera sobre la religión del pueblo, con las elaboraciones posteriores de un logos de la sabiduría popular para la filosofía y la teología que propusiera Juan Carlos Scannone.El texto realiza un dialogo cruzado entre perspectivas diversas pero afines para plantear el paso de una fenomenología de las religiones nativas a una hermenéutica de la religión. Para ello realizaremos tres pasos. En primer lugar mostraremos brevemente, la fenomenología de las religiones nativas en el dialogo Kusch-Yorio. (1) Seguidamente mostraré la relación entre pueblo, religión del pueblo y teología a partir de Scannone-Gera. (2) Finalmente, concluiré explicitando las transiciones que se efectuaron a partir de las mutuas influencias entre los autores. This paper aims to draw attention to the crisis of modern man, result of the particular form that culture adopts in capitalist society and the dehumanizing role that work represents, a situation that constitutes an opportunity and challenge to recover and outline new human life practices from the conceptual, interpretative and practical. The new form that requires becoming the culture will need to make of work and lifestyles a spontaneous, autonomous and ethical product of life in society. It is necessary for the cultural industry to become a form of humanistic culture, a possibility fed from the critical analysis performed by Hegel and Marx on social relations and the role of work, and which had their continuity and original contribution in the works of the members of the Frankfort School. For this purpose, an examination of the cultural logic and work in society is proposed, where the cultural industry prevails, as well as the liberating role of work in the process of shaping a humanist culture, which will be developed in: i) capitalist production and alienated work; ii) cultural industry and denial of man; iii) humanistic culture; and iv) on the need for leisure or what “thinking is made to be”. The article expresses a critical understanding of the logic of social relations in today’s society, which are based on the instrumentalization of the human being and, therefore, on the impossibility of intersubjective recognition and denial of ways of life and social being inherent to humanist culture.
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