An open study of interferon in HIV-antibody-positive men

Autor: Nigel Blackburn, John Craske, Andrew J. Turner, Michael R. Potter, Michael E. Ellis, John Shipman, Mansel R. Haeney
Rok vydání: 1989
Zdroj: AIDS. 3:851-854
ISSN: 0269-9370
DOI: 10.1097/00002030-198912000-00012
Popis: Alpha-2a-recombinant interferon (Roferon A) was given subcutaneously in a dose of 3 mega units twice weekly for 15-18 months to 14 HIV-antibody-positive, p24-antigen-negative men with minimal HIV-related disease. Interferon was well-tolerated and safe. Although there was either improvement or lack of deterioration initially in 22 out of 26 HIV disease markers, including lymphadenopathy, thrombocytopenic purpura and nail fungal infection, there were 11 instances of HIV disease indicators appearing during the study. At 15 months, six patients were withdrawn from the study because of clinical and immunological deterioration.
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