High‐Pressure Studies of Correlated Electron Systems

Autor: Pau Jorba, Alexander Regnat, Anh Tong, Marc Seifert, Andreas Bauer, Michael Schulz, Christian Franz, Astrid Schneidewind, Stefan Kunkemöller, Kevin Jenni, Markus Braden, Andre Deyerling, Marc A. Wilde, James S. Schilling, Christian Pfleiderer
Jazyk: angličtina
Zdroj: Physica status solidi / B 259(5), 2100623-(2022). doi:10.1002/pssb.202100623
Physics Status Solidi b
ISSN: 1521-3951
DOI: 10.1002/pssb.202100623
Popis: Tuning the electronic properties of transition-metal and rare-earth compounds by virtue of changes of the crystallographiclattice constants offers controlled access to new forms of order. We review the development oftungsten carbide and moissanite Bridgman cells conceived for studies of the electrical resistivity up to 10GPa,as well as bespoke diamond anvil cells developed for neutron depolarization studies up to 20GPa. For the diamondanvil cells, the applied pressure changes as a function of temperature in quantitative agreement withthe thermal expansion of the pressure cell. A set-up based on focussing neutron guides for measurements of thedepolarization of a neutron beam by samples in a diamond anvil cell is described. Resistivity measurementsand neutron depolarization provide evidence of ferromagnetic order in SrRuO$_3$ up to 14GPa close to a putativequantum phase transition. Combining hydrostatic, uniaxial, and quasi-hydrostatic pressure, the emergenceof incipient superconductivity in CrB$_2$ is observed. The temperature dependence of the electrical resistivity inCeCuAl$_3$ is consistent with emergent Kondo correlations and an enhanced coupling of magneto-elastic excitationswith the conduction electrons at low and intermediate temperatures, respectively.
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