Kompleksy torfowe Kluki, Ciemińskie Błota i Wielkie Bagno w Słowińskim Parku Narodowym – przyroda i ochrona. Doświadczenia przedsięwzięcia LIFE PeatRestore

Autor: Paweł, Pawlaczyk, Bociąg, Katarzyna, Bubak, Iwona, Cieśliński, Roman, Chlost, Izabela, Czereda, Mateusz, Gos, Krzysztof, Lipińska, Zuzanna, Olszewska, Alicja, Pawłowska, Marlena, Łukasz Pietruszyński, Stańko, Robert
Jazyk: polština
Rok vydání: 2022
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7119000
Popis: Presentation of three peatlands in Slowinski National Park (N Poland) targeted by LIFE project "Reduction of CO2 emissions by reducing degraded peatlands in Northern European Lowland". Results of research on peatlands hydrology, structure (stratygraphy), vegetation. Implemented restoration measures as well as first monitoring results.
Results of Polish part of LIFE project LIFE PeatRestore LIFE15 CCM/DE/000138 Reduction of CO2 emissions by reducing degraded peatlands in Northern European Lowland
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