Supplementary Figures 1-5 from The Efficacy of CHK1 Inhibitors Is Not Altered by Hypoxia, but Is Enhanced after Reoxygenation

Autor: Randi G. Syljuåsen, Einar K. Rofstad, Kinga Tkacz-Stachowska, Viola Nähse-Kumpf, Grete Hasvold
Rok vydání: 2023
Popis: PDF - 491K, Supplementary Figure S1: Cell cycle progression following hypoxia treatment. Supplementary Figure S2: Clonogenic survival following depletion of CHK1 by siRNA transfection. Supplementary Figure S3: S phase damage in HCT116p53-/- and HT29 cells in response to CHK1- inhibition after reoxygenation. Supplementary Figure S4: EdU uptake in U2OS cells treated with UCN-01 after reoxygenation. Supplementary Figure S5: Clonogenic survial of U2OS cells treated with IR and UCN-01 after reoxygenation following prolonged hypoxia.
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