Autor: Mitul C Mehta, Steven L Carter, Angeline L. Wang, Sean W. Tsao, Darren Knight
Rok vydání: 2023
Zdroj: RETINAL Cases & Brief Reports. 17:26-28
ISSN: 1935-1089
Popis: Purpose Long-acting injectable fluocinolone releasing implants are used in clinical practice. While limited in scope, situations may arise where removal of the implant is warranted. We set out to describe possible explantation techniques and to determine whether these implants can be safely removed from a standard sclerotomy or eliminated using a vitrectomy system. Methods A vitreoretinal surgery system was designed using a porcine eye model. A fluocinolone implant was injected into the vitreous cavity. Pars plana vitrectomy was performed and the vitreous cavity was infused with balanced salt solution. The injected implants were removed from 23-Gauge (G) and 25-Gauge (G) vitrectomy cannulas with 27-G forceps. The implants were examined under the microscope for induced defects. Implants were injected into the eye model and eliminated using a 23-G and 25-G vitrector system. Results The implant was removed from both the 23-G and 25-G vitrectomy cannulas with only mild structural damage to the implant. During implant extraction through the 25-G sclerotomy, the cannula was dislodged from the incision along with the implant. The most technically challenging portion involved aligning the implant coaxially to allow for removal en bloc through the sclerotomy site. Implants could be eliminated using both the 23-G and 25-G vitrector using a low-cut rate. Conclusion The fluocinolone implant was removed safely via standard 23-G or 25-G vitrectomy systems. It is unknown whether intraocular manipulation will affect pharmacokinetics of drug delivery if the implant is not explanted.
Databáze: OpenAIRE