Relative incidence of American bollworm, Helicoverpa armigera (Hubner) in Bt and their corresponding non Bt cotton genotypes

Autor: Pal V, Sharma PD, Chauhan R, Haldhar SM
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2010
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6815014
Popis: Performance of eight Bt and non Bt cotton genotypes for American boilworm, Helicoverpa armigera(Hubner) infestation and its larval population was evaluated at Research Farm of CCS Haryana AgriculturalUniversity, Hisar. The infestation due to American boliworm and its larval population was nil in Bt cottongenotypes both under unprotected and protected conditions. The infestation in non Bt genotypes underunprotected conditions was maximum in RCH 134 (2.39%) and minimum in RCH 317 (0.88%), while underprotected conditions it was maximum in ANKUR 651 (0.67%) and minimum in RCH 317 (0.10%). The larvalpopulation in non Bt genotypes was recorded maximum in ANKUR 2534 (1.24) and minimum in RCH 134(0.52) under unprotected conditions. However, under protected conditions, the larval population was recordedmaximum in RCH 138 (0.89) and minimum in ANKUR 651 (0.33). The maximum yield in Bt genotype wasrecorded in RCH 134 (27.84 and 30.04 q/ha) under unprotected and protected conditions, respectively.While in non Bt genotypes, maximum yield in ANKUR 2226 (12.75 q/ha) under unprotected conditions andin RCH 134 (25.37 q/ha) under protected conditions was recorded. 
Databáze: OpenAIRE