Postdeployment Respiratory Health: The Roles of the Airborne Hazards and Open Burn Pit Registry and the Post-Deployment Cardiopulmonary Evaluation Network

Autor: Caroline W, Davis, Alexander S, Rabin, Nisha, Jani, John J, Osterholzer, Silpa, Krefft, Stella E, Hines, Mehrdad, Arjomandi, Michelle W, Robertson, Anays M, Sotolongo, Michael J, Falvo
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Fed Pract
Popis: BACKGROUND: Following deployment to the Southwest Asia theater of operations and Afghanistan, many service members and veterans report respiratory symptoms and concerns about their military and environmental exposures. The US Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) established the national Airborne Hazards and Open Burn Pit Registry (AHOBPR) in 2014 to help better understand long-term health conditions that may be related to these exposures. OBSERVATIONS: The AHOBPR provides an online questionnaire and optional health evaluation performed by a primary care or environmental health clinician. The clinical evaluation provides an opportunity for the service member or veteran to talk with a health care professional about their symptoms, exposures, and potential treatment. Data derived from questionnaire responses and health evaluations facilitate medical surveillance and research. The VA also established a network of specialists, referred to as the Post-Deployment Cardiopulmonary Evaluation Network (PDCEN). The PDCEN identifies veterans within the AHOBPR who self-report certain conditions or have unexplained dyspnea and conducts comprehensive diagnostic evaluations. Primary objectives of PDCEN evaluations are to define respiratory and related conditions that are present, determine whether conditions are related to deployment, and work with the veteran’s clinician to identify treatments and/or follow-up care to improve their health. We utilize a case example to illustrate the role of the primary care practitioner in connecting veterans to PDCEN clinical evaluations. CONCLUSIONS: AHOBPR clinical evaluations represent an initial step to better understand postdeployment health conditions. The PDCEN clinical evaluation extends the AHOBPR evaluation by providing specialty care for certain veterans requiring more comprehensive evaluation while systematically collecting and analyzing clinical data to advance the field.
Databáze: OpenAIRE