Gene flow influences the genomic architecture of local adaptation in six riverine fish species

Autor: Yue Shi, Kristen L. Bouska, Garrett J. McKinney, William Dokai, Andrew Bartels, Megan V. McPhee, Wesley A. Larson
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Molecular ecologyREFERENCES.
ISSN: 1365-294X
Popis: Understanding how gene flow influences adaptive divergence is important for predicting adaptive responses. Theoretical studies suggest that when gene flow is high, clustering of adaptive genes in fewer genomic regions would protect adaptive alleles from recombination and thus be selected for, but few studies have tested it with empirical data. Here, we used restriction site-associated sequencing to generate genomic data for six fish species with contrasting life histories from six reaches of the Upper Mississippi River System, USA. We used four differentiation-based outlier tests and three genotype-environment association analyses to define neutral single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and outlier SNPs that were putatively under selection. We then examined the distribution of outlier SNPs along the genome and investigated whether these SNPs were found in genomic islands of differentiation and inversions. We found that gene flow varied among species, and outlier SNPs were clustered more tightly in species with higher gene flow. The two species with the highest overall F
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