A Vicious Cycle of Bias: Residents’ Perceptions of Leadership in Health Care

Autor: Mindy Ju, Sandrijn M. van Schaik
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Academic Medicine. 96:S103-S108
ISSN: 1040-2446
Popis: Purpose Despite growing interest in shared leadership models, autocratic physician leadership remains the norm in health care. Stereotype and bias limit leadership by members of other professions. Furthermore, traditional views of effective clinical leadership emphasize agentic behaviors associated with male gender. To shift the prototypical concept of a leader from a male physician to a more inclusive prototype, a better understanding of prototype formation is needed. This study examines leader prototypes and their development among resident physicians through the lens of leadership categorization theory. Method One researcher conducted semi-structured interviews with anesthesia and internal medicine residents at a single institution, asking participants to describe their ideal team leader and comment on the video-recorded performance of either a male or female nurse practitioner (NP) leading a simulated resuscitation. Interview questions explored participants' perceptions of NPs as team leaders and how these perceptions developed. The researchers conducted deductive analysis to examine leadership prototypes and prototype formation, and inductive analysis to derive additional themes. Results The majority of residents described a male physician as the ideal resuscitation team leader. Exposure to male physician leaders, and lack of exposure to NP leaders, contributed to this prototype formation. Residents described a vicious cycle in which bias against female and NP leaders diminished acceptance of their leadership by team members, resulting in decreased confidence and performance, further aggravating bias. Conclusions These results provide suggestions for interventions that can help shift the leadership prototype in health care and promote shared leadership models. These include increasing exposure to different professionals of either gender in leadership roles and increased representation in educational materials, education about effective leadership strategies to create awareness of the benefits of shared leadership, and reflection during team training to increase awareness of bias and the backlash effect faced by individuals whose behaviors counter established stereotypes.
Databáze: OpenAIRE