Consumer response to novel agri-food technologies: Implications for predicting consumer acceptance of emerging food technologies

Autor: Lynn J. Frewer, K. Bergmann, Mary Brennan, C M J L Vereijken, Gene Rowe, Ree M. Meertens, Michael Siegrist, René Lion
Přispěvatelé: Health promotion, RS: NUTRIM - R1 - Metabolic Syndrome, RS: CAPHRI School for Public Health and Primary Care
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2011
Zdroj: Trends in Food Science & Technology, 22(8), 442-456. Elsevier Science
Trends in Food Science and Technology 22 (2011) 8
Trends in Food Science and Technology, 22(8), 442-456
ISSN: 0924-2244
Popis: The issue of consumer acceptance of food technologies, and their applications, needs to be addressed early in technology development. However, whether extensive assessment of consumer acceptance is necessary for all food-related technologies a priori is uncertain. A review of studies of seven food-related technologies associated with different levels of public acceptance suggests that those characterised as being 'bioactive' raise particular concerns - related to unpredictable effects, uncontrolled use, and ethical concerns. Perceptions of 'unnaturalness' alone are unlikely to raise a food technology to high levels of public rejection. Trust in regulation and effective labelling are also important considerations.
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