Improving sexual healthcare delivery for men in prison: A nurse-led initiative

Autor: Maria Lohan, Karen Allen, Carmel Kelly, Michelle Templeton
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Kelly, C, Templeton, M, Allen, K & Lohan, M 2020, ' Improving sexual healthcare delivery for men in prison: A nurse-led initiative ', Journal of Clinical Nursing, pp. 1-8 .
DOI: 10.1111/jocn.15237
Popis: Aims and objectives: The study aim was to develop and evaluate a nurse-led sexualhealth service and health promotion intervention for men in prison.Background: Men in prison are particularly marginalised members of our society,negatively impacting on their ability to making healthy choices. In relation to sexualhealth, prison provides an opportunity for curative and preventive care, for an otherwiseoften hard-to-reach, priority population.Design: Practice development, audit and evaluation.Methods: Employing a practice development and participatory methodology, weempowered prison nursing staff to provide robust asymptomatic testing for sexuallytransmitted infections, including the management of chlamydia, with appropriatetreatment and partner notification. Collaboratively with young men and nursingstaff, a short animation video to promote the service was developed. A case noteaudit of 172 patients seen in the service during the 6-month period 1 July 2018–31December 2018 was undertaken. The Standards for Quality Improvement ReportingExcellence (SQUIRE, see Supplementary Material) checklist was followed.Results: National outcome measures were exceeded for some clinical outcomes.During the 6-month period, there were 12 chlamydia-positive (7% positivity rate) and3 gonorrhoea-positive results. In addition, two new cases of syphilis were detectedand a further two cases of known HIV were highlighted. There were seven cases ofhepatitis C (3 previously diagnosed) and three cases of hepatitis B. A short animationDick Loves Doot was developed.Conclusion: Successful partnerships between sexual health and prison healthcareservices, in partnership with service users, can achieve well-coordinated services andhealth promotion interventions.Relevance to clinical practice: This nurse-led model of care increased detection andearly treatment of asymptomatic STIs among men in prison, impacting positively themen, their partner (s) and the public health of the society to which they return.
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