Autor: Thalassinakis, Emmanuel
Rok vydání: 2019
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3351231
Popis: In this study, a set of new numbers, infinite - thalas numbers, isintroduced. Infinite numbers are defined as limits of complex functions that tendto infinity. In infinity, two arguments are added; the velocity at which a complex function tends to infinity and its angle on the complex plane. This way aquantification of infinity is obtained and new numbers, the infinite numbers aredetermined. Firstly, the infinity unit is defined which is the limit of a function tending to infinity with i) a velocity equal to the real unit and ii) a zero angle onthe complex plane. Based on the infinity unit definition, all infinite numbers arealso defined. The logarithm of the infinity unit is obtained which is called loginfinity unit, and furthermore the log-infinite numbers are also determined.Considering an ortho-normal axle system, with units on the three vertical axes,respectively, the real unit, the imaginary unit (i), and the log-infinity unit, abroader set of new numbers in the three-dimensional space is introduced, namedthalas numbers. These new numbers are proved to be useful with interesting properties.  
Databáze: OpenAIRE