Autor: Jere Drpić
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: Radovi Zavoda za znanstveni rad Varaždin
Issue 30
ISSN: 1848-7890
Popis: Jezgra grada Varaždina definira se kao prostor koji su do 19. st. omeđivali gradski opkopi i fortifikacije, zajedno s prostorom utvrde Stari grad. Arheološka istraživanja na ovom prostoru u radu je bilo moguće kronološki i prema intenzitetu izvođenja podijeliti u tri glavna razdoblja. Razdoblje prije i tokom Drugog svjetskog rata (Filićeva istraživanja), zatim razdoblje nakon Drugog svjetskog rata te razdoblje nakon 1993. god. Prvo razdoblje karakterizira vrijeme samih početaka iskopavanja (istraživanja) od 1938. god. do 1943. god. kada se na prostoru utvrde Stari grad, pod vodstvom Krešimira Filića, odvijaju iskopavanja zbog potrebe uređenja okoliša Starog grada. Sljedeće razdoblje, nakon Drugog svjetskog rata je, mogli bismo reći, vrijeme stagnacije arheoloških istraživanja u gradu te je obilježeno samo dvama većim arheološkim istraživanjima na prostoru grada, i to; istraživanjem tzv. Brvnare na današnjem Franjevačkom trgu 1954. god. i 1962./’63. god. sondiranjem u unutarnjem dvorištu utvrde Stari grad, pod vodstvom B. Vikić iz Arheološkog muzeja u Zagrebu. Ostalo su bila tek manja sondiranja utvrde, arhitektonskog karaktera 1970./’71. god. i sporadične zaštitne intervencije kustosa Gradskog muzeja Varaždin na lokacijama unutar grada; 1966. god. Kukuljevićeva ul., a 1984. god. i na prostoru Varteksove robne kuće u samom centru grada. U zadnjem razdoblju, od 1993. god., kada se događaju dva veća zaštitna arheološka iskopavanja u gradu (Blažekova ul. i križanje Šenoine ul. i Pavlinske ul.), dolazi do intenziviranja arheoloških nadzora i istraživanja, s dobrom pratećom dokumentacijom. Tako su do danas dokumentirane ukupno 24 lokacije istražene unutar grada, dok se prostor unutar areala utvrde Stari grad tokom ovog razdoblja istraživao u šest navrata. Također, tu su 2006. god. provedena i sustavna arheološka istraživanja, kao dio međunarodnog projekta nazvanog „Bastion“. Što se tiče konkretnih arheoloških podataka o gradu najviše su donijela istraživanja provedena upravo u ranije spomenutom projektu kada se došlo do podataka o sustavu fortifikacija oko Starog grada, ali i mnoštva nalaza datiranih od 15. do 20. st. Na većini lokacija u gradu koje su dosada istraživane su također pronađeni nalazi iz razdoblja kasnog srednjeg i novog vijeka, a na nekim lokacijama u gradu su pronađeni i dijelovi arhitekture (drvene i kamene) koji se mogu datirati u isti period, te fortifikacijski elementi grada - opkopi i zidovi. Jedini ranije datirani nalaz, koji nam sugerira da su se možda nekakve aktivnosti događale i u ranom srednjem vijeku u samom današnjem centru Varaždina, slučajni je nalaz franačkog koplja s krilcima, kod Lančane kule Starog grada. Zasada na prostoru jezgre grada nisu otkriveni nikakvi pokretni, ni nepokretni arheološki nalazi koji bi upućivali da se tu živjelo i prije srednjeg vijeka. Naravno, sve ovo samo je prikaz trenutnog stanja arheološke istraženosti grada Varaždina, te je podložno promjenama u budućnosti.
The core of the city of Varaždin is defined as a space that was surrounded with town’s graveyards and fortifications, by the 19th century, together with the site of the Old City fortress. Archaeological researches in this area were possible to divide into three main periods, in chronological order and in terms of performance intensity. The period before and during World War II (Filić’s research), then the period after the World War II and the period after 1993 The first period is characterized by the very beginning of excavation, since 1938 until 1943 when in the territory ofthe fortress the Old Town, under the direction of Krešimir Filić, was excavated in the area, due to the need of landscaping around the Old Town. The next period after the World War II was the time of stagnation of archaeological research in the city and it was marked by only two major archaeological researches in the city’s territory; research of the so-called Brvnara (log cabin) on today’s Franciscan Square in 1954 and 1962/63 year, probe in the inner courtyard of the Old Town fortress, led by B. Vikić from the Zagreb Archaeological Museum. The rest were only minor probes around the fort, architectural character in 1970/71 and sporadic rescue interventions of the curators of the Varaždin City Museum on locations within the city; in the 1966. Kukuljevićeva street, and in 1984 at the “Varteks” department store in the very center of the town. In the last period, since 1993, when two major archaeological excavations occur in the city (Blažekova street and corner of Šenoina street and Pavlinska street), archeological surveys and research intensified, with well supporting documentation. In that way, a total of 24 locations investigated within the city have been documented up to today, while the area within the territory of the fortress of the Old City during this period, was investigated on multiple archaeological probes, on 6 occasions. Also in the 2006 systematic archaeological research was conducted there, as part of an international project called “Bastion”. In the above-mentioned project a lot of new data about the fortification system around the Old Town were collected, as well as a number of finds which dating from the 15th to the 20th century. If we compered it to the other finds which have been found in other archeological researches in the city they can be dated to the almost same period. The only surely dated finding that can be conected with some of the activities in the city during the early Middle Ages is a random find of a Frankish winged spear in front of the Lančana kula, entrance tower of the Old Town. In addition to the numerous movable findings from the late Middle Ages and Early Modern period at some locations of the city have been found parts of (wooden and stone) architecture that can be dated to the same period, but also fortification elements of diches and walls. For the time being, in the area of the core of the city of Varaždin haven’t been found any movable or immobile archeological finds that would suggest that there were some settlement, before the Middle Ages. Of course all of this is just a reflection of the current state of archeological exploration of the city of Varaždin and can be changed in future researches.
Databáze: OpenAIRE