Effect of Rotation Number on Parameter of Fertilisation of Poligamously Mating Domestic Pigeons (Columba Livia L.)

Autor: R. Beuing, C. C. Nwosu
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Nigerian Journal of Animal Production; Vol 3, No 2 (1976); 96-99
ISSN: 0331-2062
DOI: 10.51791/njap.v3i2.2517
Popis: In the rotation method to break the monogamous mating habits, 24 male and 24 female racing pigeons were used. They were didved into three groups, each consisting of 8 male and 8 feamle pigeons put separated in three huts A, B, C. At the first rotation (second mating) female pigeons of hut a were moved to hut B; all female pigeons of hut B to hut C while female pigeons of hut C took the place of female pigeons of hut A. The females were rotated sequentially three times and the male pigeons three times also. With regard to percentage fertilization and productivity rate, there were no significant differences at 5% level (P>0.05) among the rotations. The regression (b - 0.72%) of percentage fertilization on rotation number and the regression (b - 0.89%) of productivity rate on rotation number were found not to be significantly different from zero. The correlation coefficients attached to both regressions (r 0.41 and r -0.34) respectively were not significant at 5% level. The rotational mating method did not depress the parameters of fertility tested and is, as such a useful tool to induce pigeons to sequential polygamy.
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