The Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer (AMS) on the International Space Station: Part I – results from the test flight on the space shuttle

Autor: P. Extermann, H. Hofer, J.P. Richeux, Jose Maria Kenny, M. Jongmanns, H. Anderhub, P. Giusti, A. Hasan, Mauro Menichelli, G. Scolieri, Y.S. Lu, I. Lopes, S. Ro, G. Schwering, Eun-Suk Seo, L. Baldini, E. Lanciotti, F. Vezzu, Maria Ionica, S.W. Ye, V. Koutsenko, Eino Valtonen, M.Y. Kim, G. Sartorelli, D. Rapin, V. Plyaskin, Werner Lustermann, Behcet Alpat, W.Q. Gu, W.Z. Zhu, C. Delgado, E. Fiandrini, Yu. Galaktionov, D.H. Kim, J. Alcaraz, S. X. Wu, W.H. Park, Felicitas Pauss, B. Verlaat, P. Berges, K. Karlamaa, S.C.C. Ting, F. Palmonari, Zhenghao Xu, Zhuoxiang Ren, F. Velcea, Tzihong Chiueh, G. Barbier, H.B. Park, R. Kossakowski, A. Klimentov, S. Urpo, Ari Mujunen, A. Lebedev, Dong-Chul Son, G. Laurenti, K. Luebelsmeyer, E. Shoumilov, W. Hungerford, H. S. Chen, N. Produit, M. Buenerd, S. Waldmeier Wicki, M. Basile, E. Riihonen, A. Mihul, Timo Laitinen, J. Yang, V. Postolache, V. Pojidaev, M. Steuer, P.C. Xia, G.S. Sun, Jian Wang, M. Ribordy, K. Hangarter, H. L. Zhuang, M. Pauluzzi, Stefan Schael, H. Suter, Guohuai Zhu, G. Boella, X.W. Tang, M. Kraber, A. Pevsner, M. A. Huang, Mao-Zhi Yang, Tao Song, J.L. Yan, N.A. Chernoplekov, J. Vandenhirtz, Z.G. Chen, C. Camps, Ciaran Williams, D. Ren, D. Luckey, I. Vetlitsky, Samuel C.C. Ting, N. Dinu, Zhidong Zhang, Anselmo Margotti, E. Cortina-Gil, M. Bourquin, A. Papi, Adrian Biland, R. Ionica, L. Djambazov, Paolo Zuccon, A. Contin, I. D'Antone, M.W. Lee, Jungwook Shin, F. Barao, G. Castellini, J. P. Da Cunha, Gui Nyun Kim, N. Fouque, P. Levtchenko, Massimo Gervasi, Kyung-Suk Cho, J. D. Burger, F. Mayet, M. Pohl, P. Yeh, G. Lu, C. Maña, C. Lechanoine-Leluc, A. Schultz von Dratzig, C. Rossin, Hengchang Liu, A. Mourao, S. Blasko, G. Laborie, C. Sbarra, Peter H. Fisher, L.G. Yan, V. Hermel, J.D. Deus, X. D. Cai, M.J. Choi, O. Grimm, J. Casaus, M. Capell, Philipp Azzarello, R. Siedling, J. Berdugo, Yun Wang, A. Arefiev, Roald Z. Sagdeev, J. Engelberg, H. von Gunten, C.L. Liu, L. Bellagamba, Changgen Yang, D. Casadei, U. Roser, R. R. McNeil, B. Meillon, Giuseppe Levi, Y.L. Chuang, K. Wiik, P. Bene, Federico Cindolo, J. J. Torsti, Antonino Zichichi, L. Brocco, J. Ritakari, Y. H. Chang, G. Kenney, P. Cannarsa, Y.Y. Choi, D. Barancourt, J. Favier, Waclaw Karpinski, E. Babucci, U. Becker, Dawei Zhao, R. Becker, Z.R. Dong, E. Perrin, K.S. Kim, Claudia Cecchi, F. J. Eppling, M. Aguilar, V. Shoutko, S. Bizzaglia, G. Esposito, M. Pimenta, G. Fluegge, D. Grandi, B. Bertucci, D. Santos, G. Ambrosi, T. S. Dai, A. Pesci, B.C. Wang, D. Vité, G. Lamanna, G. Viertel, J. P. Vialle, H.F. Chen, G.P. Barreira, W. J. Burger, Frank Raupach, Roberto Battiston, L. Ao, J. Ulbricht, Hao Zhang, S.C. Lee, J. Trümper, P. Emonet, M. J. Boschini, V. Commichau, E. P. Velikhov, B. Zimmermann, Merja Tornikoski, Markus Cristinziani, T. Eronen, P. G. Rancoita, W. Wallraff, G. Bruni
Přispěvatelé: Aguilar, M, Alcaraz, J, Allaby, J, Alpat, B, Ambrosi, G, Anderhub, H, Ao, L, Arefiev, A, Azzarello, P, Babucci, E, Baldini, L, Basile, M, Berdugo, J, Berges, P, Bertucci, B, Biland, A, Bizzaglia, S, Blasko, S, Boella, G, Boschini, M, Bourquin, M, Brocco, L, Bruni, G, Buenerd, M, Burger, J, Burger, W, Cai, X, Camps, C, Cannarsa, P, Capell, M, Casadei, D, Casaus, J, Castellini, G, Cecchi, C, Chang, Y, Chen, H, Chen, Z, Chernoplekov, N, Chiueh, T, Cho, K, Choi, M, Choi, Y, Chuang, Y, Cindolo, F, Commichau, V, Contin, A, Cortina-Gil, E, Cristinziani, M, da Cunha, J, Dai, T, Delgado, C, Deus, J, Dinu, N, Djambazov, L, D'Antone, I, Dong, Z, Emonet, P, Engelberg, J, Eppling, F, Eronen, T, Esposito, G, Extermann, P, Favier, J, Fiandrini, E, Fisher, P, Fluegge, G, Fouque, N, Galaktionov, Y, Gervasi, M, Giusti, P, Grandi, D, Grimms, O, Gu, W, Hangarter, K, Hasan, A, Hermel, V, Hofer, H, Huang, M, Hungerford, W, Ionica, M, Ionica, R, Jongmanns, M, Karlamaa, K, Karpinski, W, Kenney, G, Kenny, J, Kim, D, Kim, G, Kim, K, Kim, M, Klimentov, A, Kossakowski, R, Koutsenko, V, Kraeber, M, Laborie, G, Laitinen, T, Lamanna, G, Lanciotti, E, Laurenti, G, Lebedev, A, Lechanoine-Leluc, C, Lee, M, Lee, S, Levi, G, Levtchenko, P, Liu, C, Liu, H, Lopes, I, Lu, G, Lu, Y, Lubelsmeyer, K, Luckey, D, Lustermann, W, Mana, C, Margotti, A, Mayet, F, Mcneil, R, Meillon, B, Menichelli, M, Mihul, A, Mourao, A, Mujunen, A, Palmonari, F, Papi, A, Park, H, Park, W, Pauluzzi, M, Pauss, F, Perrin, E, Pesci, A, Pevsner, A, Pimenta, M, Plyaskin, V, Pojidaev, V, Pohl, M, Postolache, V, Produit, N, Rancoita, P, Rapin, D, Raupach, F, Ren, D, Ren, Z, Ribordy, M, Richeux, J, Riihonen, E, Ritakari, J, Ro, S, Roeser, U, Rossin, C, Sagdeev, R, Santos, D, Sartorelli, G, Sbarra, C, Schael, S, von Dratzig, A, Schwering, G, Scolieri, G, Seo, E, Shin, J, Shoutko, V, Shoumilov, E, Siedling, R, Son, D, Song, T, Steuer, M, Sun, G, Suter, H, Tang, X, Ting, S, Tornikoski, M, Torsti, J, Trumper, J, Ulbricht, J, Urpo, S, Valtonen, E, Vandenhirtz, J, Velcea, F, Velikhov, E, Verlaat, B, Vetlitsky, I, Vezzu, F, V, Jp, Viertel, G, Vite, D, Von Gunten, H, Wicki, S, Wallraff, W, Wang, B, Wang, J, Wang, Y, Wiik, K, Williams, C, Wu, S, Xia, P, Yan, J, Yan, L, Yang, C, Yang, J, Yang, M, Ye, S, Yeh, P, Xu, Z, Zhang, H, Zhang, Z, Zhao, D, Zhu, G, Zhu, W, Zhuang, H, Zichichi, A, Zimmermann, B, Zuccon, P, Ambrosi, Giovanni, Azzarello, Philipp, Bene, Pierre, Bourquin, Maurice, Cortina Gil, Eduardo, Cristinziani, Markus, Emonet, Pascal Philippe, Extermann, Pierre, Leluc, Catherine, Perrin, Eric, Pohl, Martin, Produit, Nicolas, Rapin, Divic Jean, Ribordy, Mathieu, Richeux, Jean-Pierre, Vite, Davide, Laboratoire de Physique Subatomique et de Cosmologie (LPSC), Institut polytechnique de Grenoble - Grenoble Institute of Technology (Grenoble INP )-Institut Polytechnique de Grenoble - Grenoble Institute of Technology-Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules du CNRS (IN2P3)-Université Joseph Fourier - Grenoble 1 (UJF)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Laboratoire d'Annecy de Physique des Particules (LAPP), Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules du CNRS (IN2P3)-Université Savoie Mont Blanc (USMB [Université de Savoie] [Université de Chambéry])-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), AMS, Centro de Investigaciones Energéticas, Medioambientales y Tecnológicas, CIEMAT, E-28040, Madrid, Spain, UCL - SST/IRMP - Institut de recherche en mathématique et physique
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2002
Zdroj: Physics Reports, Vol. 366, No 1-2 (2002) pp. 331-405
Physics Reports
Physics Reports, Elsevier, 2002, 366, pp.331-405. ⟨10.1016/S0370-1573(02)00013-3⟩
Physics Reports, Vol. 366, no. 6, p. Pages 331-405 [Erratum-ibid. 380 (2003)
ISSN: 0370-1573
DOI: 10.1016/S0370-1573(02)00013-3⟩
Popis: The Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer (AMS) was flown on the space shuttle Discovery during flight STS-91 (June 1998) in a 51.7 deg orbit at altitudes between 320 and 390 km. A search for antihelium nuclei in the rigidity range 1–140 GV was performed. No antihelium nuclei were detected at any rigidity. An upper limit on the flux ratio of antihelium to helium of < 1.1×10^−6 was obtained. The high energy proton, electron, positron, helium, antiproton and deuterium spectra were accurately measured. For each particle and nuclei two distinct spectra were observed: a higher energy spectrum and a substantial second spectrum. Positrons in the second spectrum were found to be much more abundant than electrons. Tracing particles from the second spectra shows that most of them travel for an extended period of time in the geomagnetic field, and that the positive particles (p and e+) and negative ones (e−) originate from two complementary geographic regions. The second helium spectrum flux over the energy range 0.1–1.2 GeV/nucleon was measured to be (6.3 ± 0.9) × 10^−3(m^2 s sr)^−1. Over 90 percent of the helium flux was determined to be 3He at the 90% confidence level
Databáze: OpenAIRE