Is Eucalyptus Cryptically Self-incompatible?

Autor: Steven D. Johnson, Tasmien N. Horsley
Rok vydání: 2007
Zdroj: Annals of Botany. 100:1373-1378
ISSN: 1095-8290
DOI: 10.1093/aob/mcm223
Popis: †Background and Aims The probability that seeds will be fertilized from self- versus cross-pollen depends strongly on whether plants have self-incompatibility systems, and how these systems influence the fate of pollen tubes. †Methods In this study of breeding systems in Eucalyptus urophylla and Eucalyptus grandis, epifluorescence microscopy was used to study pollen tube growth in styles following self- and cross-pollinations. †Key Results Pollen tubes from self-pollen took significantly longer than those from cross-pollen to grow to the base of the style in both E. urophylla (120 h vs. 96 h) and E. grandis (96 h vs. 72 h). In addition, both species exhibited reduced seed yields following self-pollination compared with cross-pollination. †Conclusions The present observations suggest that, in addition to a late-acting self-incompatibility barrier, cryptic self-incompatibility could be a mechanism responsible for the preferential out-crossing system in these two eucalypt species.
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