Antimalarial properties of orally active iron chelators

Autor: D G, Heppner, P E, Hallaway, G J, Kontoghiorghes, J W, Eaton
Rok vydání: 1988
Zdroj: Blood. 72:358-361
ISSN: 1528-0020
Popis: The appearance of widespread multiple drug resistance in human malaria has intensified the search for new antimalarial compounds. Metal chelators, especially those with high affinity for iron, represent one presently unexploited class of antimalarials. Unfortunately the use of previously identified chelators as antimalarials has been precluded by their toxicity and, in the case of desferrioxamine, the necessity for parenteral administration. The investigators now report that a new class of orally active iron chelators, namely the derivatives of alpha- ketohydroxypyridines (KHPs), are potent antimalarials against cultured Plasmodium falciparum. The KHPs evidently exert this effect by sequestering iron because a preformed chelator:iron complex has no antimalarial action. The pool(s) of iron being sequestered by the chelators have not been identified but may not include serum transferrin. Preincubation of human serum with KHPs followed by removal of the drug results in the removal of greater than 97% of total serum iron. Nonetheless, this serum effectively supports the growth of P falciparum cultures. Therefore the KHPs may exert antimalarial effect through chelation of erythrocytic rather than serum iron pool(s). The investigators conclude that these powerful, orally active iron chelators may form the basis of a new class of antimalarial drugs.
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