Tiling theory applied to the surface structure of icosahedral AlPdMn quasicrystals

Autor: Peter Kramer, Z. Papadopolos, H. Teuscher
Rok vydání: 1999
Zdroj: Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter. 11:2729-2748
ISSN: 1361-648X
DOI: 10.1088/0953-8984/11/13/010
Popis: Surfaces in i-Al68Pd23Mn9 as observed with STM and LEED experiments show atomic terraces in a Fibonacci spacing. We analyze them in a bulk tiling model due to Elser which incorporates many experimental data. The model has dodecahedral Bergman clusters within an icosahedral tiling T^*(2F) and is projected from the 6D face-centered hypercubic lattice. We derive the occurrence and Fibonacci spacing of atomic planes perpendicular to any 5fold axis, compute the variation of planar atomic densities, and determine the (auto-) correlation functions. Upon interpreting the planes as terraces at the surface we find quantitative agreement with the STM experiments.
30 pages, see also http://homepages.uni-tuebingen.de/peter.kramer/ to be published in J.Phys. C
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