Forecasting continuous carbon nanotube production in the floating catalyst environment

Autor: Thurid Gspann, James Ryley, Wouter Sparreboom, Martin Sparkes, Adarsh Kaniyoor, Dion Oudejans, Troy Stehr, Gijs Ratering, Patrick J. Kiley, Gerhard Bauhuis, James A. Elliott, John S. Bulmer, Jenifer Mizen, Bill O’Neill
Přispěvatelé: Kaniyoor, Adarsh [0000-0001-5851-1362], O'Neill, William [0000-0002-7910-0455], Elliott, James [0000-0002-4887-6250], Apollo - University of Cambridge Repository
Rok vydání: 2020
Popis: We pre­sent val­i­dated sta­tis­ti­cal mod­els and uni­vari­ate cor­re­la­tions of car­bon nan­otube (CNT) tex­tile prop­er­ties (spe­cific elec­tri­cal con­duc­tiv­ity, Ra­man G:D ra­tio and mass yield rate) ex­tracted con­tin­u­ously from float­ing cat­a­lyst chem­i­cal vapour de­po­si­tion (FC-CVD) re­ac­tors over a uniquely wide mul­ti­vari­ate ex­per­i­men­tal space. This in­cludes di­rectly con­trolled re­ac­tor set­tings (e.g. pre­cur­sor con­cen­tra­tions, gas flow rates, fur­nace tem­per­a­tures and wind­ing speeds), in­di­rect pa­ra­me­ters (e.g. am­bi­ent tem­per­a­ture and pres­sure), and time-de­pen­dent re­ac­tor in­flu­ences such as re­ac­tor tube age. Two ver­ti­cal FC-CVD re­ac­tors, with dif­fer­ent pre­cur­sor de­liv­ery ar­chi­tec­tures, were con­sid­ered: 1) in which pre­cur­sors were pre-mixed to­gether as a liq­uid so­lu­tion that was di­rectly in­jected into re­ac­tor; 2) in which va­por­ised pre­cur­sors were in­de­pen­dently in­jected in the gas phase us­ing Cori­o­lis-based mi­croflu­idic mass flow con­trollers with con­cen­tra­tions mon­i­tored in-line us­ing FTIR spec­troscopy. Fac­tors favour­ing high­est elec­tri­cal con­duc­tiv­ity fi­bres in­clude: lower hy­dro­gen flows, lean fuel-to-gas mix­tures, higher wind­ing rates, higher ar­gon flows, with many thio­phene con­cen­tra­tion in­ter­ac­tions with other pa­ra­me­ters; for high­est Ra­man G:D ra­tios: leaner fuel-to-gas mix­tures, lower thio­phene con­cen­tra­tions, higher hy­dro­gen flows, and greater ex­ter­nal lab­o­ra­tory pres­sure; but for yield rate, sys­tem­atic trends were harder to dis­cern. This study demon­strates the de­gree of pre­dictabil­ity in FC-CVD re­ac­tors, quan­ti­ta­tively ranks im­pact of FC-CVD pa­ra­me­ters, and iden­ti­fies re­gions of fi­bre “spinnabil­ity” which cor­re­spond well with a re­cent meta-analy­sis of ex­per­i­men­tal re­sults in the lit­er­a­ture.
Databáze: OpenAIRE