Effects of vitamin D on aortic smooth muscle cells in culture

Autor: C. Tukaj, T. Wrzołkowa
Rok vydání: 1996
Zdroj: Toxicology in vitro : an international journal published in association with BIBRA. 10(6)
ISSN: 0887-2333
Popis: Earlier investigations on vitamin-induced experimental atherosclerosis in rats suggested that smooth muscle cells (SMCs) play a pivotal role in development of these vascular abnormalities. This study demonstrates the effects of vitamin D (ergocalciferol) on SMCs of rat aorta in tissue culture. SMCs were obtained from aortas of newborn rats by enzymatic digestion and maintained for 6 wk in primary culture with vitamin D (1.2 nm) in the culture medium. The effects of vitamin D on SMCs, as compared with control SMCs cultures, were evaluated by light and electron microscopy. Growth of SMCs was characterized by cell counting, measurement of DNA and protein content, and by analysis of the nucleolar organizing regions. Vitamin D had no effect on proliferation of SMCs but stimulated synthesis and intercellular deposition of elastic fibres and had a stabilizing effect on the musculo-elastic multilayer formed by the cultured cells. In addition, it prevented degeneration of SMCs, with long-term preservation of the typical phenotype in primary culture.
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