Evaluation of Elastomeric Impression Materials’ Hydrophilicity: An in vitro Study

Autor: Dimitrios Tortopidis, Kosmas Tolidis, Konstantinos Tzimas, Anna Theocharidou
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Acta Stomatologica Croatica, Vol 55, Iss 3, Pp 256-263 (2021)
Acta stomatologica Croatica : International journal of oral sciences and dental medicine
Volume 55
Issue 3
Acta Stomatologica Croatica
ISSN: 1846-0410
Popis: Introduction: Hydrophilicity of dental impression materials is crucial for obtaining an accurate impression and necessary for the production of a well-fitting cast restoration. The most common technique for evaluation of hydrophilicity is a contact angle measurement. The aim of the present in vitro study was to compare the water contact angles of four groups of elastomeric impression materials, before and during setting. Material and methods: Flattened specimens (n=10) of tested impression materials were prepared by the use of a Teflon mold with specific dimensions. A 5μl droplet of deionized water fell on the specimen, and photos were taken using a Nikon D3200 DSLR camera and a 105 mm macro lens (Nikorr, Nikon) in specific time points. Results: The CAD/CAM material showed the highest contact angle measurements. The light body polyvinylsiloxane (PVS) material 1, polyether and vinylsiloxanether material showed comparable contact angle measurements especially at the initial time point. A statistically significant reduction of contact angles was reported during setup time for all PVS, PE and vinylsiloxanether materials, while the most expressed reduction of contact angle measurements, and thus the most significant increase of hydrophilicity were reported for light wash PVS material 2. Conclusions: The CAD/CAM impression material showed the most hydrophobic behavior. PVS materials showed excellent hydrophilicity. Polyether and polyvinyloxanether impression materials presented lower contact angle measurements, and thus superior hydrophilicity, compared with other tested materials initially and during setting. All tested impression materials presented a stepwise development of hydrophilicity during the setting stage.
Uvod: Hidrofilnost otisnih materijala ključna je za preciznost otiska i prijeko potrebna za izradu nadomjestka s dobrim dosjedom. Najčešća tehnika za njezinu procjenu jest mjerenje kontaktnog kuta. Cilj ovoga istraživanja in vitro bio je usporediti kontaktne kutove vode u četirima skupinama elastomernih otisnih materijala, prije vezivanja i tijekom vezivanja. Materijali i metode: Spljošteni uzorci (n = 10) ispitanih otisnih materijala pripremljeni su u teflonskom kalupu specifičnih dimenzija. Kapljica deionizirane vode od 5 μL kapnuta je na uzorak, a fotografije su snimljene fotoaparatom Nikon D3200 DSLR i 105 mm makroobjektivom (Nikorr, Nikon) u određenim vremenskim točkama. Rezultati: CAD/CAM materijal imao je najveći kontaktni kut. Rijetki materijali polivinilsiloksan (PVS) 1, polieter i vinilsiloksaneter imali su usporedive mjere kontaktnoga kuta, posebno u početnoj vremenskoj točki. Statistički značajno smanjenje kontaktnih kutova zabilježeno je tijekom postavljanja za sve PVS-ove, PE-ove i vinilsiloksan, a najizraženije smanjenje, pa time i najznačajnije povećanje hidrofilnosti, zabilježeno za rijedak PVS 2. Zaključci: CAD/CAM otisni materijal imao je najhidrofobnija svojstva. PVS materijali imali su izvrsnu hidrofilnost. Polieterski i poliviniloksaneterski otisni materijali imali su manji kontaktni kut, pa tako i veću hidrofilnost u usporedbi s drugim ispitivanim materijalima na početku vezivanja i tijekom toga postupka. Svi ispitani otisni materijali postupno su razvijali hidrofilnost tijekom faze vezivanja.
Databáze: OpenAIRE