Open-book accounting no relacionamento entre cooperativa e cooperados no setor cafeeiro

Autor: Daiane Silva Lima
Přispěvatelé: Fehr, Lara Cristina Francisco de Almeida, Duarte, Sérgio Lemos, Borinelli, Márcio Luiz
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Repositório Institucional da UFU
Universidade Federal de Uberlândia (UFU)
DOI: 10.14393/ufu.di.2022.5338
Popis: CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior O café tem um expressivo papel econômico no Brasil, sendo as cooperativas parte essencial do segmento cafeeiro no país. Os relacionamentos interorganizacionais são cada vez mais importantes na economia conectada de hoje para todas as organizações, inclusive, para as cooperativas. O relacionamento estreito influencia a adoção de técnicas de gestão de custos que vão além dos limites da firma, a exemplo do Open-Book Accounting (OBA). Diante do exposto, este estudo objetiva analisar como o OBA é praticado, considerando as suas dimensões, no relacionamento entre uma cooperativa cafeeira e seus cooperados e na perspectiva da Economia dos Custos de Transação. O estudo ocorreu por meio de um estudo de caso do relacionamento entre uma cooperativa e seus cooperados. Para a coleta de dados, foram utilizadas entrevistas semiestruturadas, análise documental e observação direta não participante. A técnica de análise dos dados empregada foi a Análise de Conteúdo (AC). Verificou-se, na relação estudada, que há a aplicação do OBA de forma bilateral, com frequência indeterminada de compartilhamento de informações, as quais são diversificadas e com alto nível de detalhamento no sentido cooperados-cooperativa e nível baixo no sentido cooperativa-cooperados. Foi possível notar também que tanto a cooperativa quanto os cooperados estão em busca de interesses próprios, mas, como o benefício de um interessa ao outro, a relação é baseada em cooperação e em confiança com previsão de diversos incentivos. Identificou-se, ainda, que a cooperativa utiliza as informações recebidas dos cooperados, principalmente, para planejar suas atividades e controlar a qualidade do café que irá receber. Já os cooperados utilizam as informações compartilhadas pela cooperativa para identificar compromissos mútuos por parte da cooperativa, garantir confiança e identificar o valor das sobras a que terá direito anualmente. Os achados permitiram identificar também que os custos de transação do relacionamento analisado não são nulos, porém são reduzidos, visto que, a priori, tanto a cooperativa como os cooperados não percebem oportunismo no uso das informações compartilhadas. Conclui-se, portanto, que o relacionamento estudado entre cooperativa e cooperados favorece a aplicação do OBA, uma vez que esse relacionamento é pautado em cooperação, que é um dos principais pilares para a sua efetiva aplicação e consequente geração dos potenciais benefícios. A princípio, embora possam existir tensões, não se percebe “polos opostos” nesse tipo de relacionamento, já que o intuito de constituição de uma cooperativa é adesão voluntária de seus membros cooperados e o auxílio na gestão dos seus negócios e na venda dos seus produtos. Este estudo contribui para a literatura, ampliando o conhecimento nas áreas de Administração e Contabilidade ao abordar o OBA aplicado em cooperativas. O estudo contribui também para a prática, possibilitando o entendimento da aplicação do OBA e demonstrando os pontos fortes e fracos da troca de informações sobre custos, processos e atividades no segmento do cooperativismo, que poderá ser útil para a cooperativa e cooperados aqui estudados mas, também para outros relacionamentos relevantes do mundo dos negócios. A pesquisa apresenta ainda contribuição de cunho social, pois, ao se ter uma adequada gestão de custos a partir do compartilhamento de informações no relacionamento cooperativa-cooperados, os negócios dos cooperados tendem a apresentar desempenho superior, refletindo na manutenção da atividade e na consequente geração de renda para as famílias envolvidas. Coffee has an expressive role on Brazil´s economy, cooperatives are essential on coffee business in the country. The interconnected relationships between organizations are getting more and more important each day in a connected economy, it brings all organizations closer, especially the cooperatives. The tight relationship causes the evolution and adoption of new technics of costs management, which goes beyond the company standard limits, for example the Open-book Accounting (OBA). That been said. The study targets, are analyzing how OBA´s is conducted, considering their dimensions, based on the relationship between the cooperatives and its partners, focusing on the perspective savings on transactions costs. That work was made through a study of a cooperative and its associates, and partners. To collect data, were used interviews, documents and data analysis, and direct observation without any intervention. The technique used to analyze data and documents was content analysis (CA). It was observed in the study the use of bilateral with no limited of exchanging information, which was very detailed when it was send partners to cooperative, and low detailed when it was from cooperative to partners. It was possible noticing that both cooperatives and partners were looking for their own personal interests, even tough, the growth of one is interesting to one another, makes the relationship based in trust and cooperation, providing several incentives. It was also observed, that the cooperative uses the information obtained from the partners, to plain their future activates, and control the quality of the coffee produced by them, that will be received. And the partners use that information to identify mutual commitment by the cooperative, ensure trust and identify the value of the leftover which they have an annual right to receive. It was also figured that the transactions costs weren´t zero, but they are reduced, observing that both partners and cooperative do not realize the opportunism of using the shared data. Summarizing, the relationship between cooperatives and partners are favorable to the use of the OBA, once the relationship is based in cooperation, which is the main foundation for its application and use, and achieves potential bilateral benefits. It can sometimes be tension in the relationship, but also shows that there are no ``different poles`` in this type of relation, seen that the objective of a creation of a cooperative is the voluntary entry of its members, and the assistance on managing their business and selling their products. This survey contributes to literature, amplifying the knowledge in areas such as business administration and accountability, when it talks about OBA, and showing, the strong and weak points about exchange of information on costs, processing and other activities used on cooperative´s activities, that can be useful to cooperatives and its associates, but also to another relevant fields on business world. The survey yet shows a social contribution, because when it demonstrates a adequate management of costs based on relation cooperative-partners, the partners business should present superior performance, reflecting directly on the activities maintenance, and as well bringing Incoming to the families involved in the process. Coffee has an expressive role on Brazil´s economy, cooperatives are essential on coffee business in the country. The interconnected relationships between organizations are getting more and more important each day in a connected economy, it brings all organizations closer, especially the cooperatives. The tight relationship causes the evolution and adoption of new technics of costs management, which goes beyond the company standard limits, for example the Open-book Accounting (OBA). That been said. The study targets, are analyzing how OBA´s is conducted, considering their dimensions, based on the relationship between the cooperatives and its partners, focusing on the perspective savings on transactions costs. That work was made through a study of a cooperative and its associates, and partners. To collect data, were used interviews, documents and data analysis, and direct observation without any intervention. The technique used to analyze data and documents was content analysis (CA). It was observed in the study the use of bilateral with no limited of exchanging information, which was very detailed when it was send partners to cooperative, and low detailed when it was from cooperative to partners. It was possible noticing that both cooperatives and partners were looking for their own personal interests, even tough, the growth of one is interesting to one another, makes the relationship based in trust and cooperation, providing several incentives. It was also observed, that the cooperative uses the information obtained from the partners, to plain their future activates, and control the quality of the coffee produced by them, that will be received. And the partners use that information to identify mutual commitment by the cooperative, ensure trust and identify the value of the leftover which they have an annual right to receive. It was also figured that the transactions costs weren´t zero, but they are reduced, observing that both partners and cooperative do not realize the opportunism of using the shared data. Summarizing, the relationship between cooperatives and partners are favorable to the use of the OBA, once the relationship is based in cooperation, which is the main foundation for its application and use, and achieves potential bilateral benefits. It can sometimes be tension in the relationship, but also shows that there are no ``different poles`` in this type of relation, seen that the objective of a creation of a cooperative is the voluntary entry of its members, and the assistance on managing their business and selling their products. This survey contributes to literature, amplifying the knowledge in areas such as business administration and accountability, when it talks about OBA, and showing, the strong and weak points about exchange of information on costs, processing and other activities used on cooperative´s activities, that can be useful to cooperatives and its associates, but also to another relevant fields on business world. The survey yet shows a social contribution, because when it demonstrates a adequate management of costs based on relation cooperative-partners, the partners business should present superior performance, reflecting directly on the activities maintenance, and as well bringing Incoming to the families involved in the process. Dissertação (Mestrado)
Databáze: OpenAIRE