Supplementary Figure Legends from Cetuximab Resistance in Head and Neck Cancer Is Mediated by EGFR-K521 Polymorphism

Autor: Mascha Binder, Carsten Bokemeyer, Sonja Loges, Boris Fehse, Kristoffer Riecken, Rainald Knecht, Martin Trepel, Bruno Märkl, Elzbieta Jakubowicz, Steffen Goletz, Antje Danielczyk, Simon Laban, Ingke Braren, Isabel Ben Batalla, Anja Thalhammer, Markus Sack, Veronique Blanchard, Karina Biskup, Tobias Grob, Beate Habel, Minna Voigtlaender, Malte Kriegs, Friederike Braig
Rok vydání: 2023
Popis: Supplementary Figure 1. Inhibitory effect of Cetuximab determined by western blot analysis of 12 HNSCC cell line lysates. Supplementary Figure 2. Time course of EGFR phosphorylation in HNSCC cell line UT-SCC 8. Supplementary Figure 3. Correlation of total and membrane exposed EGFR in HNSCC cell lines. Supplementary Figure 4. IL-3 dependent Ba/F3 cells can be transformed to EGF dependence by stable transduction with EGFR and EGFRK521 genes. Supplementary Figure 5. Far-UV CD spectra of Fc-EGFR and Fc-EGFRK521. Supplementary Figure 6. ADCC induction in EGFR-transduced Ba/F3 cells by Cetuximab and CetuGEX{trade mark, serif}.
Databáze: OpenAIRE