Deciphering the protein dynamics and molecular determinants of iPSC-derived neurons

Autor: Pasterkamp Rj, Maarten Altelaar, Philipp Schätzle, Casper C. Hoogenraad, Suzy Varderidou-Minasian
Rok vydání: 2019
Popis: SUMMARYNeuronal development is a multistep process with different regulatory programs that shapes neurons to form dendrites, axons and synapses. To date, knowledge on neuronal development is largely based on murine data and largely restricted to the genomic and transcriptomic level. Advances in stem cell differentiation now enable the study of human neuronal development, and here we provide a mass spectrometry-based quantitative proteomic signature, at high temporal resolution, of human stem cell-derived neurons. To reveal proteomic changes during neuronal development we make use of two differentiation approaches, either by expression of neurogenin-2 (Ngn2) leading to glutamatergic induced neurons (iN) or via small molecule manipulations, leading to patterned motor neurons. Our analysis revealed key proteins that show significant expression changes (FDR
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