Réaction compétitive de la substitution homolytique intramoléculaire : décomposition de pero×ydes allyliques dans le thioglycolate de méthyle

Autor: Evelyne Montaudon, M. J. Bourgeois, Marianne Vialemaringe, Monique Campagnole
Rok vydání: 2001
Zdroj: Canadian Journal of Chemistry. 79:257-262
ISSN: 1480-3291
Popis: The decomposition of allylic peroxides in methyl thioglycolate always leads to both epoxide and adduct peroxide. According to the nature of the allylic chain, either epoxide or peroxide is the predominant product, if not the only one. It is the first example where the hydrogen transfer is as fast as the intramolecular homolytic substitution. The influence of different factors upon the competition is studied.Key words: allylic peroxides, epoxides, intramolecular homolytic substitution, transfer.
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