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For several years I have averaged about two cases of bites of copperhead snakes a year, and finally hit on a plan of treatment which gives me such good results that it may be worth while to communicate it to others. My earliest experience with the use of caustics locally and whisky and ammonia internally was unsatisfactory in many respects, although I had no deaths. During the past year I treated for two months a fearful ulcer of the finger and hand which was caused by cauterization with caustic potash for snake bite. The final result was a contracted palm and stiff fingers. Several years ago Dr. Thomas R. Brown 1 published an account of some experiments with potassium permanganate as an antidote to the venom of snakes of the viper class, e. g., rattlesnakes, copperheads and vipers. Previously I had used this drug in a measure, but afterward I |