Void Galaxies Follow a Distinct Evolutionary Path in the Environmental COntext Catalog

Autor: David V. Stark, Kathleen D. Eckert, Andreas A. Berlind, Jonathan Florez, Manodeep Sinha, Victor F. Calderon, Duncan Campbell, Amanda J. Moffett, Sheila J. Kannappan
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2020
Popis: We measure the environmental dependence, where environment is defined by the distance to the third nearest neighbor, of multiple galaxy properties inside the Environmental COntext (ECO) catalog. We focus primarily on void galaxies, which we define as the $10 \%$ of galaxies having the lowest local density. We compare the properties of void and non-void galaxies: baryonic mass, color, fractional stellar mass growth rate (FSMGR), morphology, and gas-to-stellar-mass ratio (estimated from a combination of HI data and photometric gas fractions calibrated with the RESOLVE survey). Our void galaxies typically have lower baryonic masses than galaxies in denser environments, and they display the properties expected of a lower mass population: they have more late-types, are bluer, have higher FSMGR, and are more gas rich. We control for baryonic mass and investigate the extent to which void galaxies are different at fixed mass. Void galaxies are bluer, more gas-rich, and more star forming at fixed mass than non-void galaxies, which is a possible signature of galaxy assembly bias. Furthermore, we show that these trends persist even at fixed mass and morphology, and we find that voids host a distinct population of early-types that are bluer and more star-forming than the typical red and quenched early-types. In addition to these empirical observational results, we also present theoretical results from mock catalogs with built-in galaxy assembly bias. We show that a simple matching of galaxy properties to (sub)halo properties, such as mass and age, can recover the observed environmental trends in ECO galaxies.
18 pages, 11 figures. Accepted for publication in ApJ
Databáze: OpenAIRE