Towards geophysical applications with field optical clocks

Autor: Lion, G., Pajot-Métivier, G., Chanard, K., Diament, M.
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2023
Zdroj: XXVIII General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG)
DOI: 10.57757/iugg23-3346
Popis: The development of highly accurate field optical clocks raises the question of their ability to monitor vertical displacements and mass anomalies. As part of the framework of the ANR project ROYMAGE, we explore the use of these new sensors to measure variations of the gravity potential in order to better understand and monitor the dynamics of regions where mass transfer may occur, such as volcanoes, hydrological basins or subduction zones. These areas are surveyed and continuously monitored by multiple independent geophysical techniques, such as levelling/GNSS, gravimetry, INSAR, muography or seismology. However, physical processes acting in these zones may result in very small vertical deformations and/or deep mass transfers that are difficult to detect using traditional GNSS or space gravity measurements. Moreover, their signature at the Earth's surface has a medium-wavelength fingerprint that is not covered by traditional ground (< a few km) or space (>100km) techniques.In our study, we model the gravitational signature (potential, acceleration and tensor) of a mass anomaly as a function of its geometry, depth, size and density contrast. Synthetic simulations allow us to identify which types of structures and their variations can be detected by clock comparison measurements with a relative frequency uncertainty fixed at (equiv. to 10cm - 1cm - 1mm respectively). In addition, in order to decorrelate the signal from a mass anomaly from the associated vertical displacement we simulate the elastic response of a set of structures within the lithosphere potentially causing vertical displacement of the Earth's surface.
The 28th IUGG General Assembly (IUGG2023) (Berlin 2023)
Databáze: OpenAIRE