Syringophilopsis empidonax Skoracki, Flannery & Spicer, 2008, sp. n

Autor: Skoracki, Maciej, Flannery, Maureen E., Spicer, Greg S.
Rok vydání: 2008
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3509268
Popis: Syringophilopsis empidonax sp. n. Figs. 11���18 Female (Figs. 11���15). Total body length of holotype 820 (830���855 in 2 paratypes). Gnathosoma. Hypostomal apex with 2 pairs of minute protuberances and 2 pairs of small, blunt-ended hypostomal lips (Fig. 13). Each branch of M-shaped peritremes with 12���13 chambers (Fig. 14). Cheliceral digit 130 (140) long. Stylophore rounded posteriorly, 195 (185���195) long. Idiosoma. Propodonotal shield concave on anterior margin, punctated and sculptured, bearing bases of setae vi, ve, sci and d1. Setae sce situated distinctly anterior to level of setae d1. Length ratio of setae vi:ve 1:1.3���1.5. Hysteronotal shields around bases of setae d2 present. Distance between bases of setae d2���l1 and d2���l2 subequal. Pygidial shield present, anterior margin indiscernible. Setae d4 twice longer than d5. Paragenital setae pg1 and pg3 subequal in length, both slightly (1.2���1.4 times) longer than pg2. Cuticular striations as in Figs. 11 and 12. Legs. Coxal fields not punctated. Fan-like setae p��� and p��� of legs III and IV with 16 tines (Fig. 15). Setae tc���III���IV about 1.4���1.5 times longer than tc���III���IV. Setae cxIII2 1.2���1.3 times longer than cxIII1. Length of setae: vi 55 (55���70); ve 70 (80���90); sci 170 (220); h 235 (230���295); sce (280); l1 255 (205); l2 235 (200���255); l4 365; l5 420; d1 255 (215); d2 215 (215); d4 190 (180); d5 90 (80���90); a1 35 (35���40); a2 40 (35���40); g1 45 (45���55); g2 55 (45���65); pg1 365 (260���360); pg2 250 (230); pg3 350 (260���350); sc3 85 (80); sc4 85 (80); tc���III���IV 55 (50���55); tc���III���IV 80 (75���80); cxIII1 170 (155���170); cxIII2 230 (195���225). Male (Figs. 16���18). Total body length 680 in one paratype. Gnathosoma. Hypostomal apex rounded, without protuberances. Each transverse branch of peritremes with 4 chambers, each longitudinal branch with 11 chambers (Fig. 16). Cheliceral digit 140 long. Stylophore rounded posteriorly, 170 long. Idiosoma. Propodonotal shield slightly concave on anterior margin, punctated on lateral margins. Setae sce situated distinctly anterior to level of setae d1. Hysteronotal shield present, fused to pygidial shield, punctated in anterior part, bearing bases of setae d2, l2, d5 and l5. Setae l1 twice longer than d2 and l2. Distance between bases of setae d2���l1 and d2���l2 subequal. Cuticular striations as in Figs. 17 and 18. Length of setae: vi 40; ve 40; sci 105; h 165; sce 115; l1 65; l2 30; l5 215; d1 85; d2 35; d5 40. Type host: Empidonax hammondii (Vesey, 1858) (Passeriformes: Tyrannidae). Site: Quills of secondary feathers (Rs5). Type locality: USA, Texas, Jeff Davis Co., Fort Davis, 12 April 2005, G. Spicer coll. (GSS#1612). Type specimens: Female holotype and paratypes: 2 females, 1 male and 4 nymphs. Specimens deposited: Holotype and most paratypes deposited at NMNH, 1 female paratype at AMU. Etymology: The name empidonax refers to the generic name of the host ��� Empidonax hammondii. Additionalmaterial: 1 female and 5 nymphs from secondary quill (Ls6) of the same host species and locality as type material, 13 April 2005, G. Spicer coll. (GSS#1424). All material deposited at NMNH. Five females and 4 nymphs from secondary and primary quills (Rp1, Ls1) of Empidonax wrightii Baird, 1858; USA, Texas, Jeff Davis Co., Fort Davis, 13 April 2005, G. Spicer coll. (GSS#1326). All material deposited at NMNH, except 1 female at AMU. Differential diagnosis. This new species is most similar to S. fringilla (Fritsch, 1958) described from Fringilla coelebs Linnaeus (Passeriformes: Fringillidae) from Germany (Fritsch 1958). In both species, females have the hypostomal apex with 2 pairs of minute protuberances, the hysteronotal shields present, and setae d4 and d5 unequal in length. Syringophilopsis empidonax is distinguished from S. fringilla by the following characters: in females of S. empidonax, setae sce are situated distinctly anterior to the level of setae d1 and setae d4 are twice longer than d5. In females of S. fringilla, setae sce and d1 are situated at the same transverse level and setae d4 are about twice shorter than d5.
Published as part of Maciej Skoracki, Maureen E. Flannery & Greg S. Spicer, 2008, Quill mites of the genus Syringophilopsis Kethley, 1970 (Acari: Syringophilidae) from North American birds, pp. 291-300 in Folia Parasitologica 55 on pages 294-296, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.321913
{"references":["FRITSCH W. 1958: Die Milbengattung Syringophilus Heller 1880 (Subordo Trombidiformes, Fam. Myobiidae Megnin 1877). Zool. Jahrb. Abt. Syst. Oekol. Geogr. Tiere 86: 227 - 234."]}
Databáze: OpenAIRE