Distortion-product otoacoustic emissions in workers exposed to urban stressors

Autor: Angela Sancini, Maria Valeria Rosati, Giancarlo Altissimi, Francesco Tomei, B Loreti, Serafino Ricci, Andrea Bernardini, B. Scala, C Sacco, Teodorico Casale, Alessandra Di Marzio, Giancarlo Cianfrone, Gianfranco Tomei
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: Archives of environmentaloccupational health. 73(3)
ISSN: 2154-4700
Popis: The study aimed to compare the distortion-product otoacoustic emissions (DPOAEs) with the pure-tone audiometry and to analyze the changes in participants exposed to noise. The results show a prevalence of participants with impaired DPOAEs higher than the prevalence of participants with impaired audiometries in the total sample, in men, and in outdoor workers and a prevalence of impaired DPOAEs and of impaired audiometries in men higher than in women and in outdoor workers higher than in indoor workers. The comparison of mean values between outdoor and indoor workers shows a significant difference only on some frequencies, in the DP-gram. The results suggest a higher effectiveness of DPOAEs compared with the pure-tone audiometry in identifying the presence of any damage in individuals exposed to noise at an early stage.
Databáze: OpenAIRE