Seasonal variation of the sound-scattering zooplankton vertical distribution in the oxygen-deficient waters of the NE Black Sea

Autor: Vladimir A. Solovyev, Alexander G. Ostrovskii, Elena G. Arashkevich, Dmitry A. Shvoev
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Ocean Science, Vol 17, Pp 953-974 (2021)
ISSN: 1812-0792
Popis: At the northeastern Black Sea research site, observations from 2010–2020 allowed us to study the dynamics and evolution of the vertical distribution of mesozooplankton in oxygen-deficient conditions via analysis of sound-scattering layers associated with dominant zooplankton aggregations. The data were obtained with profiler mooring and zooplankton net sampling. The profiler was equipped with an acoustic Doppler current meter, a conductivity–temperature–depth probe, and fast sensors for the concentration of dissolved oxygen [O2]. The acoustic instrument conducted ultrasound (2 MHz) backscatter measurements at three angles while being carried by the profiler through the oxic zone. For the lower part of the oxycline and the hypoxic zone, the normalized data of three acoustic beams (directional acoustic backscatter ratios, R) indicated sound-scattering mesozooplankton aggregations, which were defined by zooplankton taxonomic and quantitative characteristics based on stratified net sampling at the mooring site. The time series of ∼ 14 000 R profiles as a function of [O2] at depths where [O2] < 200 µm were analyzed to determine month-to-month variations of the sound-scattering layers. From spring to early autumn, there were two sound-scattering maxima corresponding to (1) daytime aggregations, mainly formed by diel-vertical-migrating copepods Calanus euxinus and Pseudocalanus elongatus and chaetognaths Parasagitta setosa, usually at [O2] = 15–100 µm, and (2) a persistent monospecific layer of the diapausing fifth copepodite stages of C. euxinus in the suboxic zone at 3 µm < [O2] < 10 µm. From late autumn to early winter, no persistent deep sound-scattering layer was observed. At the end of winter, the acoustic backscatter was basically uniform in the lower part of the oxycline and the hypoxic zone. The assessment of the seasonal variability of the sound-scattering mesozooplankton layers is important for understanding biogeochemical processes in oxygen-deficient waters.
Databáze: OpenAIRE