Consistency Check of Planned Adaptive® Option on Helical Tomotherapy

Autor: Maximilien Schirm, Jake Van Dyk, Slav Yartsev, Glenn Bauman, Jerry J. Battista
Rok vydání: 2008
Zdroj: Oncology Publications
ISSN: 1533-0338
DOI: 10.1177/153303460800700603
Popis: This study aims to evaluate a new Planned Adaptive® software (TomoTherapy Inc., Madison, WI) of the helical tomotherapy system by retrospective verification and adaptive re-planning of radiation treatment. Four patients with different disease sites (brain, nasal cavity, lungs, prostate) were planned in duplicate using the diagnostic planning kVCT data set and MVCT studies of the first treatment fraction with the same optimization parameters for both plan types. The dosimetric characteristics of minimum, maximum, and mean dose to the targets as well as to organs at risk were compared. Both sets of plans were used for calculation of dose distributions in a water-equivalent phantom. Corresponding measurements of these plans in phantom were carried out with the use of radiographic film and ion chamber. In the case of the lung and prostate cancer patients, changes in dosimetric parameters compared to data generated with the kVCT study alone were less than 2%. Certain changes for the nasal cavity and brain cancer patients were greater than 2%, but they were explained in part by anatomy changes that occurred during the time between kVCT and MVCT studies. The Planned Adaptive software allows for adaptive radiotherapy planning using the MVCT studies obtained by the helical tomotherapy imaging system.
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