Lethe elwesi subsp. houjiangae Lang & Bozano, ssp. nov

Autor: Lang, Song-Yun, Bozano, Gian Cristoforo
Rok vydání: 2015
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6118615
Popis: Lethe elwesi houjiangae Lang & Bozano ssp. nov. (Figs. 1���6, 37) Type material. Holotype ♂, CHINA: Yunnan, Gongshan, East slope of Mts. Gao-li-gong, 3200 m, 25.VII. 2015, leg. S-y. Lang (LSY); Paratypes: 10 ♂♂, CHINA: Yunnan, Gongshan, Dulong-jiang valley, West slope of Mts. Gao-li-gong, 2800 m, 19.VII. 2015, leg. S-y. Lang (LSY); 39 ♂♂, CHINA: Yunnan, Gongshan, East slope of Mts. Gao-li-gong, 2500���3200 m, 20���26.VII. 2015, leg. S-y. Lang (LSY); 1 ♂, ditto (CMNH); 1 ♂, ditto (HH); 1 ♂, CHINA: N. Yunnan, Weixi, Tacheng, Samage Forest, 27 �� 38 ' 45 "N 99 �� 22 '00"E, 2900 m, 14 - 7-2015, leg. F. Fantoni (FF). Description. Male. Forewing length: 24���26 mm. Dorsal: ground color brown with markings the same as in the nominotypical elwesi. Ventral: ground color yellowish brown; unlike creamy white and silvery markings in the nominotypical elwesi, most of pale markings yellowish. Male genitalia (Figs. 17���19, 23��� 25, 29���31): Similar to the nominotypical elwesi. Female. Unknown. Diagnosis. The new subspecies can be distinguished from the nominate subspecies by the combination of the following characters: a) Ventral side, ground color is yellowish brown, whereas it is darker reddish brown in the nominotypical subspecies; b) Ventral forewing, postdiscal markings and the pale bar between the two dark stripes in the cell are yellowish, whereas they are creamy white in the nominate subspecies; c) Ventral hindwing, pale discal band is yellow and broader, whereas it is silvery and relatively narrower in the nominate subspecies; d) Ventral hindwing, basal half silvery stripes and lines are slender and weaker, whereas they are more strongly developed in the nominate subspecies; f) Male genitalia: the basal half of the valva is wider than the nominate subspecies. Etymology. The subspecific name houjiangae is named after Ms. Hou Jiang from CMNH. Distribution. China (NW Yunnan)
Published as part of Lang, Song-Yun & Bozano, Gian Cristoforo, 2015, Lethe elwesi (Moore) stat. rev., a distinct species, with description of a new subspecies from NW Yunnan, China (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae, Satyrinae), pp. 127-134 in Zootaxa 4058 (1) on pages 128-132, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4058.1.8, http://zenodo.org/record/239787
Databáze: OpenAIRE