From unfair prices to unfair trading practices: political economy, value chains and 21st century agri-food policy

Autor: Alessandro Olper, Senne Vandevelde, Johan F.M. Swinnen
Rok vydání: 2021
Popis: This paper analyzes how value chains play a role in the political economy of agricultural and food policy by (1) discussing historical insights; (2) reviewing an emerging literature on political economy of trade policy and value chains and drawing implications for agricultural and food policy; (3) discussing market power issues with increasing concentration in agri-food value chains and its implications for government regulations; and (4) presenting a political economy case study of recent regulations that have explicitly targeted value chain structures in the agrifood sector: the EU regulations on “unfair trading practices (UTPs)”. The case study is of wider relevance since it addresses a key concern in global value chains. ispartof: Agricultural Economics vol:52 issue:5 pages:771-788 status: Published online
Databáze: OpenAIRE