Sahjan (Moringa oleifera)- germplasm utilization and technological advances for cultivation under dry land of Rajasthan

Autor: Samadia DK, Verma AK, Haldhar SM, Singh D, Saroj PL
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2019
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6812966
Popis: Sehjan (Moringa oleifera Lam.) popularly known as moringa or drum-stick and native toIndia is versatile crop-plant due to its diverse uses (tender pods. leaves and flowers) and eco-restoration. Even-after lot of development in southem parts of the country, sehjan is still under-scored for dry-lands of Rajasthan. Realizing its numerous uses, ease of multiplication andcultivation, germplasm collection was started in 1995 at CIAH, Bikaner. Seedling population ofannual moringa and limb-cuttings of elite-types were collected and evaluated. The seedlingpopulation of PKM-1 recorded wide variations for pod quality and bearing pattern under aridenvironment. The results of progeny testing from elite-types and fourgeneration selection, the lineAHMO-1-4s is developed and studied under varying situations from 2010 to 2016. It is fastgrowing, high yielding, drought tolerant genotype bearing medium sized pods of excellent quality.For developing nursery and field establishment techniques, experimental trails were conductedduring 2015 to 2018. Freshly harvested seeds of May-June matured pods from mother plants ofAHMO-1—4s were used for sowing (first week of June, July and August). Medium sized poly-tubes filled with 1:1:1 mixture of sheep-manure, vermi-compost and sandy-soil were sown withsingle seedbeg Nursery seedlings were 31.8-61.4 (av. 48.68) cm in height at 30-60 d, andrecorded 54.6-78.6 (av. 68.62) per cent field survival. With khejri based production sites, KM-9model (24x4x4 m) and moringa planting system (4x4 m) is best for-optimal resource utilization,organic culture and higher bio-mass production. Since, it is damaged by low temperature and frostconditions, it is recommended that moringa plants should be pruned or headed-back at 30-45 cmheight from ground-level in the last week of December month to save the established plantationsunder hot arid agro-climate. 
Databáze: OpenAIRE