Additive Manufacturing for Surgical Planning of Mandibular Fracture

Autor: Erik Lafitt Tavares Monteiro, Renata de Souza Coelho Soares, Sergio Charifker Ribeiro Martins, Josuel Raimundo Cavalcante, Rafael Grotta Grempel, José Augusto de Oliveira Neto, Nadja Maria da Silva Oliveira Brito
Rok vydání: 2016
Zdroj: Acta Stomatologica Croatica, Vol 50, Iss 4, Pp 348-353 (2016)
Acta stomatologica Croatica : International journal of oral sciences and dental medicine
Volume 50
Issue 4
ISSN: 1846-0410
Popis: Trenutačno se u zdravstvu tehnologije poput kompjutorske tomografije (CT) s trodimenzionalnom rekonstrukcijom (3D) i magnetska rezonancija rutinski koriste u pretkirurškom planiranju. Danas se virtualne trodimenzionalne slike, obično na dvodimenzionalnim površinama poput kompjutorskih zaslona, upotrebljavaju za brzu izradu prototipova zbog velike točnosti kad je riječ o dimenzijama te detaljne reprodukcije anatomskih struktura. To omogućuje specijalistima da se koriste biomodelima u planiranju i simuliranju medicinskih i dentalno-medicinskih postupaka (oralna i maksilofacijalna kirurgija, izrada individualiziranih implantata i proteza te mjerenja i priprema fiksacijskih pločica), što pridonosi znatno kraćim kirurškim zahvatima, te posljedično i trajanju anestezije, smanjenju rizika od infekcije te manjim bolničkim troškovima. U ovom izvještaju opisali smo slučaj kirurškog planiranja terapije obostrane atrofične frakture mandibule za koju su autori, kao dodatno sredstvo, odabrali izradu prototipa nakon što su uzeli u obzir sve navedene prednosti.
Currently, imaging techniques such as Computed Tomography with three-dimensional reconstruction (3D) and Magnetic Resonances are being routinely used in pre-surgical planning in all fields of medicine. Nowadays, virtual three-dimensional images, commonly displayed on two-dimensional surfaces, such as the computer screen, can be used to produce rapidly prototyped models, with excellent dimensional accuracy and fine reproduction of anatomical structures, providing professionals with the ability to use the biomodel in planning and simulating medical and dental procedures (oral and maxillofacial surgery, making individualized facial implants and prostheses, measurements and previous adaptations of prefabricated fixation plates), thus contributing to considerable reductions in surgical time and consequently the duration of anesthesia, minimizing infection risks and reducing hospital costs. In this report, we describe a case of surgical planning and treatment of bilateral atrophic mandibular fracture, in which, for surgical planning, authors used Rapid Prototyping as an adjunct tool, considering the advantages already outlined.
Databáze: OpenAIRE