Peptide Regulation of Cells Renewal Processes in Kidney Tissue Cultures from Young and Old Animals

Autor: N. I. Chalisova, A. V. Dudkov, A P Ryzhak, Natalia Linkova, Ryzhak Ga, T. E. Nichik
Rok vydání: 2015
Zdroj: Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 159:124-127
ISSN: 1573-8221
Popis: Polypeptide complex isolated from calf kidneys stimulates the processes of cell renewal in organotypic kidney tissue cultures from young and old rats. The polypeptide complex enhances expression of proliferation marker Ki-67 and reduces expression of proapoptotic peptide p53 in kidney explants obtained from young and old animals. Short peptides T-31 (AED) and T-35 (EDL) also stimulate proliferation and reduce apoptosis of the kidney cells, but to a lesser degree than the polypeptide complex. The results provide the basis for further investigation of the polypeptide complex as a preparation for the therapy of kidney diseases, including age-related pathologies.
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