Isometopus (Jehania) slateri Akingbohungbe

Autor: Kr��ger, Andreas
Rok vydání: 2018
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5980033
Popis: Isometopus (Jehania) slateri (Akingbohungbe) (Figure 4) Magnocellus slateri Akingbohungbe, 1983: 256 (Type by original description). Isometopus (Jehania) slateri (Akingbohungbe); Akingbohungbe, 1996: 75 (New combination). To the descriptions of the holo- and paratype males from Ghana (Akingbohungbe, 1983) may be added the following observations. Male. Length 2.33 mm (2.25���2.4) (figure 4 A). Maximum width across hemelytra 1.33 (1.3���1.38). Head (figures 4B���D) in front 1.49x (1.39���1.52) as broad as high; width 0.64 (0.62���0.66), height 0.43 (0.42���0.46), dorsal length 0.15 (0.14���0.16). Second antennal segment 0.45 (0.42���0.5). Rostrum exceeding hind coxae towards first sternite. Frons punctate with irregular transverse impressions. Lateral pronotal margins with narrow carina, most of which is concolorous with pronotal disk. Genitalia (figures 4E���F): right paramere similar to holotype; left paramere distinctly bent beyond median knob; everted endosoma relatively short, minutely echinulated. Material examined. 6♂, Liberia: Bong county, trips to/from: LRU���Airfield���Dam 12��� Fahn Gbolo, approximately N06��47��� W10��20���, 27.iii��� 1989 (leg. Garms). Remarks. Regardless of the deviation of several characters from the original description of I. slateri (Akingbohungbe, 1983) the present specimens are treated as con-specific, though geographical variants. The original description was based on only two males, but in a later amendment (Akingbohungbe, 1996), after describing a female series, it was stated that ���this is a considerably variable species������.
Published as part of Kr��ger, Andreas, 2018, Vehicle-mounted net sampling of airborne micro-Heteroptera in western Liberia, West Africa: 1. Isometopinae (Miridae), pp. 491-515 in Zootaxa 4378 (4) on page 495, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4378.4.3,
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