Transmission of Drug-Resistant HIV After an Occupational Exposure Despite Postexposure Prophylaxis With a Combination Drug Regimen

Autor: Nicolas de la Torre, Denise M. Cardo, Chi-Cheng Luo, Elise M. Beltrami
Rok vydání: 2002
Zdroj: Infection Control & Hospital Epidemiology. 23:345-348
ISSN: 1559-6834
Popis: We documented a case of occupational human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) despite postexposure prophylaxis (PEP) with a combination drug regimen after percutaneous injury with a needle from a sharps disposal container in the hospital room of an HIV-infected patient. This failure of PEP with a combination drug regimen may have been related to antiretroviral drug resistance, other factors, or both. This case highlights the importance of preventing injury to prevent occupational transmission of HIV.
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