Acid Hematin Pigmentation of the Cornea in Stillborn Fetuses

Autor: Gordon W. Klintworth, Mark W. Scroggs, D. B. Chandler
Rok vydání: 1990
Zdroj: Pediatric Pathology. 10:319-333
ISSN: 0277-0938
DOI: 10.3109/15513819009067121
Popis: During the postmortem histopathologic evaluation of eyes from stillborn fetuses we noted the presence of a prominent undescribed corneal pigment in 18 of 55 stillborn fetuses. The corneal pigment was frequently associated with documented meconium-stained amniotic fluid, and in no instance was a stained cornea coupled with recorded clear amniotic fluid. Pigmented corneas came from stillborn fetuses with a longer duration of intrauterine death than nonstained corneas. The pigment stained black with the Fontana-Masson stain, was birefringent, and treatment of tissue sections with 5% potassium permanganate and 5% oxalic acid as well as with saturated alcoholic picric acid solution removed the pigment indicating that it is acid hematin. The most likely cause of the acid hematin-stained corneas was tissue acidity created in utero with prolonged intrauterine death.
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