Chemical composition and biological activities of the leaves of Cynara scolymus L. (artichoke) cultivated in Brazil

Autor: Valdir Cechinel Filho, Rozangela Curi Pedrosa, Vânia Floriani Noldin, Irma Luiza Christmann, Franco Delle Monache, Jean Carlo Benassi, Rosendo A. Yunes
Rok vydání: 2003
Zdroj: Química Nova, Volume: 26, Issue: 3, Pages: 331-334, Published: MAY 2003
Química Nova v.26 n.3 2003
Química Nova
Sociedade Brasileira de Química (SBQ)
Química Nova, Vol 26, Iss 3, Pp 331-334 (2003)
ISSN: 0100-4042
Popis: The present paper describes the chemical composition and biological activities of artichoke cultivated in Brazil. Our studies demonstrated that glycosyl flavonoids (cynaroside and scolymoside), are the major constituents, along with cynaropicrin, a sesquiterpene lactone, and the triterpene lupeol. Cynarin, which is the main compound described for artichoke, was detected in very low concentration. Hexanic fraction exhibited considerable cytotoxicity and diuretic activities.
Databáze: OpenAIRE