The design of the paediatric prosthesis : assessment of stigma-inducing factors in primary school children, using a questionnaire

Autor: Evi Schaerlaken, Eric van Breda, Hilde Feys, Emilie Meyvis, Wim Saeys, Kristof Vaes, Anouche Van den Eynde, Stijn Verwulgen, Steven Truijen, Erik Haring
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Advances in usability and user experience : proceedings of the AHFE 2019 International Conferences on Usability & User Experience, and Human Factors and Assistive Technology, July 24-28, 2019, Washington D.C., USA / Ahram, Tareq [edit.]; et al.
Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing ISBN: 9783030191344
AHFE (21)
Popis: This study is the first to examine prosthesis design and appearance in healthy children towards prosthesis for children using a questionnaire. 119 typically developing children between the age of seven and twelve years were included. Their reactions were evoked by priming them to several types of assistive devices. Most of the participants clearly preferred the electrical prosthesis, proving the uncanny valley is applicable to primary school children. The life-like prosthesis was chosen three times more in the girl group, in contrast with the boys who rather prefer the robotic prosthesis and the self-drafted prosthesis. As age increased, a shift was observed from appearance to functionality. Results can be used to minimize stigma and enhance compliance of assistive aids in children with an upper limb reduction.
Databáze: OpenAIRE